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Returns a list of licensees for a key.


Path Parameters

    key stringrequired

    API Key

    The API Key to retrieve. Begins ak_.

    Example: ak_test

Query Parameters

    starting_after int32

    Specify ID of the licensee after which you would like to list results

    user_token string

    Private User Token

    A secret key used for sensitive operations on your account and API Keys.

    Your user token can be retrieved and managed from your accounts page.

    Typically beings uk_...

    Example: uk_B59ScW1p1HHouf1VqclEPZUx
    limit int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 10


    Specifies the maximum number of records to retrieve.

    By default the limit is 10. Requesting a larger result set will result in more latency

    Example: 5
    query string

    Filter result by licensee name. Query can be shortened to q=



    result objectrequired

    List of licensees

    licensees object[]
    hasMore boolean

    Returns true if there are more licensees listed after the maximum number of results as implied by limit

    message stringrequired

    Possible values: [Success]

    code int32required

    Possible values: [2000]
