UK Address and Postcode Search
📄️ Lookup Postcode
Returns the complete list of addresses for a postcode. Postcode searches are space and case insensitive.
📄️ Retrieve by UDPRN
Returns an address as identified by its Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN).
📄️ Retrieve by UMPRN
Returns a multiple occupancy address identifited via its UMPRN (Multiple Residence Unique ID).
📄️ Cleanse Address
The address cleanse API attempts to return the closest matching address for any given address inputs. We also return a number of Match Level indicators that describe the degree to which the suggested address matches the input address. The more impaired the input address, the harder it is to cleanse.
📄️ Extract Addresses
Extract a list of complete addresses that match the query ordered by relevance score. This query accepts an optional limit and page query (defaults to 10 and 0 respectively).