Our address search and verification APIs can return addressing data in different formats corresponding with different national conventions and datasets. These formats are documented here:
United Kingdom
- Postcode Address File Address, the standard address form in the UK
- Multiple Residence, a special premise type which extends the PAF format
- Not Yet Built, a special premise type which extends the PAF format
- Welsh Postcode Address File, a variant of a Wales Postcode Address File address with Welsh translated locality attributes
- GNAF, is a comprehensive dataset containing geocoded address information from Australia.
- ECAF, the standard Republic of Ireland Address format as reported by the Eircode ECAF file.
- ECAD, ECAF file including additional data for each address.
- Kadaster, provides authoritative information on land ownership, boundaries, property values, and other cadastral information essential for property transactions, urban planning, and governmental decision-making
United States
- United States Postal Service, the standard address form in the US