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Stay informed about the latest updates and improvements to our address validation services with our changelog. View release notes and see what's new.

May 2024

  • API: Release /addresses/verify API for USA CASS Verification

April 2024

  • Data: Netherlands (Kadaster) address dataset incorporated
  • Data: Norway (Karverket) address dataset incorporated
  • API: Improved P95 and P99 latency

March 2024

  • Data: AddressBase searches can now be filtered by property classification type (e.g. Commercial, Residential, Military, etc). See AddressBase data documentation for more information.

February 2024

  • Data: Search improvements for Iberian languages Spanish, Calatan, Galician and Basque
  • Address Finder: Country selection is synced if country: is defined in outputFields

January 2024

  • Data: Australia GNAF address dataset added
  • API: CASS Certified USA address verification generally available

November 2023

  • Data: Improvements to geospatial biasing for USA addresses

October 2023

  • API: Key settings can be updated via POST /keys/:key API
  • API: Available datasets available through GET /keys/:key/details API
  • Address Finder: Add the ability to fix Address Finder

September 2023

  • Address Finder: Added new callback for changes in country or context
  • Address Finder: Country is automatically detected by IP address

August 2023

  • Data: Hong Kong dataset included
  • Data: Macau dataset included
  • Data: Taiwan dataset included
  • Data: India dataset included

July 2023

  • Data: Asia Pacific data now available
  • Data: Oceania dataset included

June 2023

  • Data: South America data now available
  • Data: Middle Eash & Africa dataset included

May 2023

  • Data: Eastern Europe data now available

April 2023

  • Western Europe data now available for Address Finder

March 2023

  • Companies House data now available for GBR address search
  • Improved Zip and ZIP+4 searching on USA datasets
  • Improved apartment searches for GBR datasets

February 2023

  • AddressBase Core data now available for GBR address search

January 2023

  • /postcodes/:postcode API now returns Eircode addresses if enabled on your account.
  • Rooftop Geolocations now available for Northern Ireland. Please contact us to have this enabled on your account.
  • UPRNs now available for Northern Ireland. Please contact us to have this enabled on your account.
  • /addresses/cleanse GBR Cleanse API now available

December 2022

  • Phone Validation API now generally available.
  • UK post towns are now titlecased (instead of all caps).
  • Republic of Ireland addresses can be retrieved via the /postcodes/:postcode API if Eircode is enabled.

November 2022

  • Email Validation API now available.
  • Wildcard subdomain allowed URLs available. Add * to allow requests from and all related subdomains.
  • Address Finder search improvements. Better search for numeric property numbers with preceeding zeros. Improved search for address ranges.

October 2022

  • Allowed URLs now permits subdomain wildcards. E.g. * will match as well as all subdomains.

August 2022

  • New Places API
  • /places?query= to query for place suggestions
  • Allow for IP, geolocation and country filtering and biasing
  • places/:id to resolve details for a place given a suggestion

July 2022

  • /autocomplete/addresses/:id/gbr now returns the local format of an address if not located in GBR inside the native attribute
  • /autocomplete/addresses/:id/usa now returns the local format of an address if not located in USA inside the native attribute

June 2022

  • Irish Addresses (Eircode) now supported by the autocomplete API. Contact our support team to have this enabled on your account
  • /addresses API now provides reverse geocoding if lon= and lat= query arguments are supplied. Results are ordered by proximity to the supplied geospatial points

May 2022

  • UK Alias addresses now generally available
  • /keys/:key API now returns a contexts which correlates with the users locality

April 2022

  • Welsh PAF addresses now generally available

March 2022

  • New autocomplete/addresses/:id/usa API which resolves address suggestions to the USA address format

February 2022

  • Addressing data for USA available
  • /autocomplete/addresses now accepts a context= argument which allows additional countries to be searched. This currently defaults to GBR but also accepts USA
  • New autocomplete/addresses/:id/gbr API which resolves address suggestions to the GBR address format (regardless of country)

January 2022

  • The standard GBR address objects now also return an id attribute
  • The standard GBR address object now also returns a dataset attribute which identifies the provenenace of a result (e.g. paf means Postcode Address File, mr means Multiple Residence and nyb means Not Yet Built)
  • The standard GBR address object now also returns a country_iso which returns the 3 letter ISO country code

December 2021

  • /addresses and /autocomplete/addresses now accepts query arguments to bias results by a geospatial area defined by an origin (WGS84 coordinate) and radius (in metres) with bias_lonlat=[longitude],[latitude],[radius]
  • /addresses and /autocomplete/addresses now accepts query arguments to filter results by a geospatial box defined by an "top-left" and "bottom-right" WGS84 coordinates. Filter addresses with box=[top left longitude],[top left latitude],[bottom right longitude],[bottom right latitude]

July 2021

  • /addresses and /autocomplete/addresses now accepts query arguments to bias results by a geospatial area defined by an origin (WGS84 coordinate) and radius (in metres) with bias_lonlat=[longitude],[latitude],[radius]
  • /addresses and /autocomplete/addresses now accepts query arguments to filter results by a geospatial box defined by an "top-left" and "bottom-right" WGS84 coordinates. Filter addresses with box=[top left longitude],[top left latitude],[bottom right longitude],[bottom right latitude]

June 2021

  • /addresses and /autocomplete/addresses now accepts query arguments to bias results by locality or postcode elements like post_town or postcode_sector with bias_post_town= and bias_postcode_sector=

May 2021

  • /postcodes/:postcode now returns up to 5 suggested postcodes if there is no exact postcode match. It will check for common errors first (i.e. mixing up 0 and O or 1 and I).

April 2021

  • /postcodes/:postcode now returns total, limit and page attributes for all responses (not just Multiple Residence)

March 2021

  • /keys/:key API now accepts sublicensee keys that begin sl_

February 2021

January 2021

  • Usage log exports now reports the Origin header in the URL column if the Referer is not available.

December 2020

  • Checking key details with the /keys/:key will now return a datasets attribute. This identifies which datasets (i.e. PAF, Multiple Residence, Not Yet Built) this key has access to.

November 2020

  • Licensee keys may now be passed in via the API Key argument of the querystring (api_key=) or authorisation header IDEALPOSTCODES api_key="". Our documentation will be updated to reflect this as the primary method of identifying a licensee. However the earlier method of supplying both licensee and api_key will continue to be supported.

October 2020

  • /addresses no accepts no terms query. This means addresses can be searched using just filters like postcode
  • New filters available for /addresses including postcode_area, postcode_sector, uprn and more
  • Search /addresses with UPRNs using the uprn= filter

September 2020

  • Address responses now return a uprn attribute for GB addresses
  • GB address geolocations are now rooftop accurate if they have a uprn assigned