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Returns public information on your API Key.

This endpoint can be used for the following:

  • Determine if the key is currently useable via the available property
  • Determine available contexts for a an API Key
  • Identify the currently likely context of a user given their location

You may pass both API Keys (beginning ak_) and Sub-licensed Keys (beginning sl_).


Path Parameters

    key stringrequired

    API Key

    The API Key to retrieve. Begins ak_.

    Example: ak_test



    result objectrequired
    contexts object[]required

    A list of available contexts for a key

  • Array [
  • iso_3 stringrequired

    3 letter ISO code

    iso_2 stringrequired

    2 letter ISO code

    description stringrequired

    Country descriptor to show in Address Finder

    emoji stringrequired

    Emoji text icon

    rgeo booleanrequired

    Indicates availability of reverse geolocation search

  • ]
  • context object required

    Returns current context if it is in the list of available contexts for this key.



    available booleanrequired

    Determines whether the key can be used by the requesting agent.

    Returns false if one of the following conditions are met:

    • Key has no lookups remaining
    • Daily limit has been reached on the key
    • Daily individual limit has been reached
    • Key is not being used via an authorised URL
    • (Sublicensed key only) Key has a valid licensee attached
    • (Sublicensed key only) Key is not being used via an authorised URL specified by licensee
    message stringrequired

    Possible values: [Success]

    code int32required

    Possible values: [2000]
