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Find Place



Query for geographical places across countries. Each query will return a list of place suggestions, which consists of a place name, descriptive name and id.

This API returns geographical information such as countries, capitals, administrative areas and more. It is ideal for correctly identifying a place along with any other details like geolocation.

Implementing Place Autocomplete

Extracting the full information of a place is a 2 step process:

  1. Retrieve place suggestions via /places
  2. Retrieve the entire place with the ID provided in the suggestion

Suggestion Format

Each place suggestion contains a descriptive name which you can provide to users to uniquely idenfity a place.

Rate Limiting and Cost

The rate limit for the Autocomplete API is 3000 requests per 5 minutes. HTTP Headers inform about the current rate limit.

Autocomplete API usage does not impact your balance, but resolving a suggestion to a full address requires a paid request. Autocomplete requests without subsequent paid requests may result in rate limitation or suspension.


Query Parameters

    api_key string

    API Key

    Your unique identifier that allows access to our APIs.

    Begins ak_. Available from your dashboard

    Example: ak_test
    query string

    Specifies the place you wish to query. Query can be shortened to q=

    country_iso string

    Filter by Country

    Filter by country ISO code. Uses 3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1) standard.

    Filter by multiple countries with a comma separated list. E.g. GBR,IRL

    Example: GBR
    bias_country_iso string

    Bias by Country Bias by country ISO code. Uses 3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1) standard. Bias by multiple countries with a comma separated list. E.g. GBR,IRL

    Example: GBR
    bias_lonlat string

    Bias by Geolocation

    Bias search to a geospatial circle determined by an origin and radius in meters. Max radius is 50000. Uses the format bias_lonlat=[longitude],[latitude],[radius in metres] Only one geospatial bias may be provided

    Example: -2.095,57.15,100
    bias_ip string

    Possible values: [true]

    Bias by Geolocation of IP

    Biases search based on approximate geolocation of IP address.

    Set bias_ip=true to enable.



Response Headers
  • X-RateLimit-Limit number

    The maximum number of requests that can be made in 5 minutes

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining number

    The remaining requests within the current rate limit window

  • X-RateLimit-Reset number

    The time when the rate limit window resets in Unix Time (seconds) or UTC Epoch seconds.

    code int32required

    Possible values: [2000]

    message stringrequired

    Possible values: [Success]

    result objectrequired
    hits object[]required

    List of up to 10 matching places

  • Array [
  • oneOf
    name Place Namerequired

    Place name

    descriptive_name Descriptive Place Namerequired

    Longer form description of the place.

    country_iso Countryrequired

    3 letter country code (ISO 3166-1)

    id IDrequired

    Unique identifier for place

  • ]